Concord’s Offline Announcement: How To Claim Your Refund

Concord Game

We would like to start by sincerely thanking each and every one of you for being a part of the Concord community. Since the game’s release on the PlayStation 5 and PC, your passion and commitment have propelled our progress. 

Witnessing the game take off and witnessing so many gamers love the Concord universe has been an amazing experience.

Your encouragement has shaped the game and created a lively and enthusiastic community around it. You have contributed significantly to Concord’s current state, whether it is through sharing your in-game adventures, providing comments, or just taking pleasure in the setting we built.

The relationships and friendships that have developed in our community are evidence of the influence the game has had on each and every one of us.

We sincerely appreciate all of your time, effort, and passion that you have put into Concord. Every gamer who has ridden the Northstar with us is greatly appreciated; your participation has given our journey meaning.

We want you to know that your presence in the Concord universe has meant the world to us, and as we go on, we carry with us the memories and experiences we’ve shared together.

Game Shutdown

Acknowledgment of Feedback

It’s evident from our reflections on Concord’s journey that many of you found great resonance in key areas of the game. In particular, people have praised the colorful world we made, the interesting gaming mechanics, and the compelling plot. 

We’ve been ecstatic to watch people interact with the characters, discover the galaxy, and take on the different tasks that we created. It’s been encouraging to witness your passion for these components and to see how you’ve infused Concord with your unique style.

We acknowledge, nevertheless, that not everything went as planned. While many players found the game to be interesting in some ways, there were other components that fell short of our community’s or our own expectations.

We have received your feedback regarding matters such as stability of the game, balancing, and specific design decisions that affected the overall experience. It’s evident that not all aspects of the launch met the high standards we aim for, even with our best efforts.

Specifically, we recognize that there were difficulties with the game’s initial release. While some gamers experienced technical issues, others thought that key portions of the gameplay fell short of their expectations. 

Since the debut, we have been actively listening to your ideas, worries, and suggestions, and we have been making every effort to resolve these problems. Your criticism has been very helpful to us in understanding our shortcomings.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and candor at this difficult time. Your insightful comments have not only pointed out areas that need work, but they have also emphasized how crucial it is to maintain ties with our community. 

Although we’re proud of Concord’s advantages, we also recognize that there’s always space for improvement and education. We’re determined to apply these lessons going forward as we consider the game’s future and our next course of action.

Choosing to Turn Off the Game

Following extensive deliberation and meticulous assessment, we have reluctantly decided to deactivate Concord on September 6, 2024.

Although we didn’t make this choice hastily, we think it’s the right course of action after carefully considering the input we’ve received and our internal evaluation of the game’s direction.

We want to be open and honest about the factors that led to this decision, as we recognize that many of our devoted gamers may be disappointed by this news.

Our understanding of Concord’s accomplishments and areas where it fell short of expectations has been greatly shaped by community comments. Although several features of the game have received positive reviews, we’ve also found some crucial areas that still need a lot of work. 

Even while we worked to fix these problems after the game launched, it became apparent that the game’s current direction might not provide the experience we had in mind. 

Rather than carrying on in this manner, we think it’s more crucial to stop, gather ourselves, and consider different strategies that can benefit our athletes.

Rethinking how we may meaningfully and significantly engage with our community is one of our main objectives going forward. We can now take a step back and think of fresh approaches to provide a player-focused experience, thanks to the decision to take Concord offline.

Whether that entails changing some game aspects or going in a completely other route, we’re dedicated to investigating options that could result in a more polished and satisfying experience.

Although Concord as we know it will no longer exist, this also creates new opportunities. We still have a strong commitment to our goal and to the community that has helped us along the road.

We hope you’ll stay in touch with us while we take this opportunity to reflect and consider new options. Our work has always been centered around your input and involvement, and we’re eager to see where this adventure takes us next.

We have decided to take Concord offline, so we are immediately stopping the game’s sales. This implies that Concord will no longer be sold on any platform, including PC and PlayStation 5.

We will be providing complete refunds to all players who have purchased the game because we want to make sure that everyone who has supported us is treated fairly throughout this transition.

If you bought Concord via PlayStation Direct or the PlayStation Store, you’ll instantly get a complete refund. There is nothing else you need to do; the refund will be returned to the original payment method. Within the next few days, the reimbursement should be handled; when it is, you will receive a confirmation.

Refunds for PC purchases made through the Steam Store will likewise be processed by Steam. Over the next several days, Steam will start to process refunds; after your refund has been given, you will receive a message.

In a same vein, refunds for Concord purchases made through the Epic Games Store will be issued immediately. To verify that your refund has been handled, Epic Games will get in touch with you personally.

For individuals who acquired a tangible copy of Concord from a vendor other than PlayStation Direct, kindly see the retailer’s unique refund policy. 

Since every merchant handles refunds differently, it is best to get in touch with them personally to make sure you get your money back. 

Please be aware that you will lose access to the game when your refund has been completed. We acknowledge that this could be upsetting, but it’s essential as we move away from Concord as it exists today.

Game Update

While we take Concord offline, our staff is still totally focused on determining the best course of action. This break gives us the chance to think back on the lessons we’ve learned and to come up with fresh ideas for producing an event that genuinely connects with our community.

We are committed to determining a course of action that not only tackles the difficulties we’ve encountered but also expands upon the positive aspects that have endearing Concord to a great number of you.

We will be considering a number of options for Concord’s future in the upcoming months. We are working hard behind the scenes to develop new ideas and approaches, even though we aren’t ready to divulge specifics just yet. 

Our intention is to make sure that the future endeavor respects Concord’s history while providing our gamers with an unforgettable experience.

We pledge to keep you informed as we pursue this new direction. Your advice and encouragement have been tremendously helpful to us, and we want to keep talking with you as we proceed. We’ll keep you updated at every stage, whether it’s through announcements, community activities, or updates.

We invite you to remain in contact with us during this period of change. Keep an eye out for upcoming announcements, interact with us on social media, and follow our official channels.

Even though Concord’s current chapter is coming to an end, we’re eager for what lies ahead and hope you’ll join us as we venture into uncharted territory.


We would want to once more extend our sincere gratitude to each and every one of you as we complete this chapter of Concord. Our entire endeavor has been propelled by your enthusiasm, devotion, and support.

We are incredibly grateful for the community that has developed around this game; it has been an amazing adventure.

Thanks to your suggestions, ideas, and excitement, Concord has evolved from a simple game into a memorable shared experience that we will always treasure.

Even though Concord as we know it may be coming to an end, we are excited about what lies ahead and the possible new opportunities that may arise. Given the size of the Concord universe, there are still a ton of options to investigate. 

We’re determined to use the knowledge we’ve gained to produce even more compelling and influential work. We think the best is still to come, and we can’t wait to see where this adventure will lead us.

We appreciate your participation in the Concord community. We are so grateful for your support and can’t wait to embark on more adventures with you in the future. We want to continue in touch with you as we work towards the next step and wish you all the best till then.

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